A la suite du colloque “Points de vue sur la vie quotidienne”, l’équipe du RT47 et celle de l’Université de Gênes ont poursuivi leur collaboration pour créer un groupe thématique de sociologie visuelle et filmique à l’ESA (European Sociological Association).
Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’appel à propositions pour le congrès d’Athènes.
Attention : la date limite d’envoi des propositions est le 1er février 2017.
Description of the Research Stream:
Social sciences as ethnology, anthropology, geography and history have long used photography and video as tools for knowledge. Visual and Filmic sociology pursues the same approach using photos and videos that, whenever possible, have been taken by sociologists themselves.
The use of these two media has sparked ways of seeing and understanding things that differ from those found in text-based sociology. This is because they reveal sense-related realities (involving emotions and body language) that other kinds of research do not always highlight. The net effect is greater reflexivity with the subjects or actors of a particular research project potentially becoming actors thereof.
In addition, the use of video enhances dissemination beyond scientific circles, for instance at international documentary festivals (or on documentary television stations).
Conference timeline
- 1st February Abstract submission deadline
- 1st April Notification of acceptance
- 1st May Early-bird registration deadline
- 1st June Paper givers registration deadline
- 1st August Printing of the programme
- 29 Aug. to 1 Sep. 13th ESA conference in Athens
General call for papers:
Europe is both an abstraction and a daily reality. It is a major long-term project that brings people together while also regulating and structuring their activities. These regulations pertain to policy areas ranging from agricultural production to industrial standards, competition law and the free movement of people. At the same time, Europe disorganises production (through tax competition and social dumping, out-of-control financialisation, etc.) while exacerbating conflicts between people around problems like unemployment and social inequality. Hence the growing polarisation between the agricultural, urban, industrial and other spaces where people live.
The “Visual and Cinematic/Filmic Sociology” Research Stream seeks to observe and analyse a Europe undergoing major transformation by means of photographs and videos produced by sociologists themselves. Potential participants who have not yet started to use these media may borrow images and sounds taken by professionals or artists. The basic principle of this research stream is that photography and video are tools that generate meaning for sociologists (unlike sociologists of media – RN18 – working on receptors and the communication or sociology of art – RN02).
The use of photography or cinema by sociologists has led to ways of seeing and understanding that differ from what sociologists do using written text. It reveals sense-related realities (emotions, body language) that have not always been highlighted in other sociological publications. Lastly, it encourages reflexivity and can turn the individual as object of research into a research actor, thereby engendering another kind of public sociology.
Possible session themes include but are not limited to:
- General Session
Questions here include how sound and image account for social facts affecting Europeans or changes in their mentalities or mutual representations; how images speak to new forms of politics and the crises that accompany them; how visual and cinematic/filmic sociology express what texts are unable to say; how greater complementarity might be achieved between text-based versus sound and image-based findings; and how the Internet might be used to post photos and films sparking text-based (but also imagebased) comment and debate by other sociologists. - Work and employment
- Urban transformation
- Education and culture
- International migrations
- Landscapes
Sessions will be organised into these research areas depending on the papers receives. Priority will be given to papers featuring photos or films taken by sociologists themselves and/or based on borrowed inputs including documentaries, photos, works of art, etc.
Challenges at this level include:
- using images and sounds to report on social change
- portraying the temporalities that circumscribe social facts
- nurturing and depicting alternatives
- getting European citizens to participate in sociological research using photographic and video practices where individuals are object of research and actors of it
- ascertaining the limits of public visual and filmic sociology.
- Jean-Pierre Durand, University of Evry, France – jpd.duran@gmail.com
- Christine Louveau de la Guigneraye, University of Evry, France – ch.louveau@gmail.com
- Luca Queirolo Palmas, University of Genova, Italy – luca.palmas@unige.it
- Joyce Sebag, University of Evry, France, joyce.sebag@gmail.com
Session 1 – 31.08.2017 09:00 – Media Impact on General Opinion
Session Chair: Joyce Sebag, Université d’Evry-Paris Saclay
- Yvonne Alexia Kosma, The Spectacle of Terror, American College of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Lambrini Papadopoulou, Irene Photiou & Theodora Maniou, The perception of Visual Infotainment in the political news:A cultural approach through New Media, Frederick University, Cyprus, Panteion University, Greece
- Deniz Günes Yardimci, The Cinematic Representation of Cultural Identity: The Case of Turkish Migrants in Germany, Royal Holloway, University of London, Germany
Session 2 – 31.08.2017 11:00 – Democracy and Everyday Life
Session Chair: Luca Queirolo Palmas, University of Genova
- Jean-Pierre Durand & Joyce Sebag, Democracy and Multiculturalism: A Documentary View, University of Evry, France
- Anne Marcellini, « The passing of the baton » Learning in the “between-us”: From situation of disability to comic side of situation, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Ottavia Salvador, Migrants’ deaths : visual reflections, University of Genova, Italy
- Mary Zournazi, Dogs of Democracy – documentary reflections on the Greek Crisis, University of New South Wales, Australia, Australia
Session 3 – 31.08.2017 14:00 – Urban Transformation
Session Chair: Christine Louveau, Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne
- Begoña Aramayona, Between the urban village and the fantasy city: a case study through audiovisual analysis in Madrid, Social Psychology Department. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain
- Anca Raluca Astilean & Calin Ilea, Visualizing the urban life of transnational families, Center for the Study of the Population
- Timothy Shortell & Jerome Krase, Everyday Mobility & Practical Cosmopolitanism: A Spatial Semiotic Approach, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, United States of America
Session 4 – 31.08.2017 16:00 – Creativity and Criticism
Session Chair: Jean-Pierre Durand, University of Evry
- Alexandra Tilman, Marginality and counter-culture through Europe as a criticism of capitalism. The case of the techno movement. A socio-filmic reflection., University of evry, France, IPSA Uco of Angers
- Urszula Jarecka, Everyday life as reflected in the Polish artistic photo-projects, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- Ebru Thwaites Diken, Street Art and the European Dream: Athens, İstanbul and Lisbon, İstinye University, Department of Sociology, Turkey
Session 5 – 31.08.2017 18:00 – Images and Word
Session Chair: Sebastiano Benasso, University of Genoa
- Michaël Meyer & Fabien Reix, La Revue Française des Méthodes Visuelles : défis et avancement pour la création d’une revue francophone sur les méthodes visuelles, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, University of Bordeaux, France
- Ludmila Wladyniak, Multimedia collages of memory. Investigating functions of collective memory through photoelicitation, Charles University, Czech Republic
- Iulia-Elena Hossu, “To be or not to be” a visual anthropologist in Romania – The story of a documentary short film, Centre for Population Studies – UBB Cluj, Romania; Romanian Institute for Research on national minorities, Romania
- Christine Louveau, Industrialisation de la campagne lorraine Retour sur une enquête sociologique classique et filmique, Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, France
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
RT47 (20 janvier 2017). ESA 2017 : (un)making Europe. Sociologie visuelle et filmique. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/tsqh